Thursday, March 27, 2008



Picture taken the last day he was here...about 15 of us went to a lte breakfast before going to th airport.

Our hero has been here for his visit and now should be somewheere between here and Hell, as he so lovingly calls it. There were about 14 of us going to airport so we rented a limo bus. It got to the meeting place a half an hour late so he was hauling butt the whole way. It was alot of fun..except for my sister who hates not being the driver and hated even worse that he was flying down te freeway during rush hour. I think she was the only one who noticed the rough (but fun) ride...we were too busy laughing at her.

Joe didn't want a party while he was home and now we all know why. Apparently, only 6 months after he deployed to Iraq, his wife decided she didn't want to be married anymore. WHAT A WAY TO FIND OUT---over the phone or in a letter---IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR! Needless to say, he is heartbroken. We are a vey close-knit family, and we are all in mourning for him. Because that's how it feels, as though someone we love has died. Joe won't be the same without her in his life. He does not deserve this.

It was extremely hard knowing how he was feeling while he was here...I was afraid to hover, but wanted to...gave him his space...but didn't want to...wanted to hold him and love him the entire time...but knew he wasn't in the mood. He spent every waking moment researching councelors on the internet, to see when they return to Washington...but she didn't want to go...she doesn't want to try to work it out. Hopefully, he will still seek professional help. I want mt baby back. I want him to feel better. We'll just continue to pray, now just for another reason added to our list.

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Tragic Loss

SPRINGFIELD — A 14-year-old boy and his mother died in a fire here early Wednesday after the boy ran back into the burning home in an attempt to save her, state police said.

Bobby Ferrell and his mother Michelle, 54, a Burlington County elections official, were found dead on the home's second floor. The fire, reported shortly after 4:30 a.m., engulfed the home in the 2400 block of Monmouth Road, said State Police Sgt. Stephen Jones.
Fire- fighters arrived to find flames throughout the first and second floor. At least one firefighter made his way to the second floor, Jones said, but was forced to evacuate after a "flashover."
"The temperature was that high in the upstairs of the house," Jones said. "Anything combustible just ignited."
The blaze quickly escalated to four alarms and about 150 firefighters from more than 15 fire companies helped battle it, Jones said.
The cause of the fire remains under investigation, but preliminary evidence indicated it started in the rear of the home, "possibly in a clothes dryer," Jones said.
Ferrell's daughter, Emily McManus, smelled smoke in the home and yelled for people to leave the house, Jones said. Ferrell's son James climbed from a window and down a tree to escape. By the time the two made it outside, Bobby was already there, but when he realized his mother was inside, Jones said, he went back in.
The two were declared dead at the scene.
McManus, 23, and James Ferrell, 15, were treated for smoke inhalation at Virtua Memorial Hospital in Mount Holly.
Michelle Ferrell, who had two other grown children, worked as Election Division supervisor for the Burlington County Clerk's Office. She had been employed there for 15 years, said Acting Burlington County Clerk Wade Hale, and pictures of her family were displayed on her desk Wednesday.
County officials said they were offering employees in Ferrell's office counseling service. Friends and co-workers described her as an "awesome mother" and "very caring."
"Although it is a cliche, she would have given the shirt off her back to everyone," said Abigail Cipriano, a clerk typist who worked for Ferrell. "Everyone came before her and she was a friend to all of us."
Ferrell, also the shop steward for Local 1034 of the Communications Workers of America union, had a "wealth of knowledge," Hale said.
"She was a neighbor and a friend that I'll personally miss," he said.

What a tragic end to the loss of 2 beautiful people.
Below is a blog entry from my 15 year old son, who went to school with, and played sports with this boy who died...a true hero.

February 28, 2008 - Thursday

R.I.P. Current mood: Mixed

Courage - the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

Hero - a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.
Someone who is full of courage will face any obstacle or any limitation and say, "I can rise above it. I am confident in myself and in my abilities to go forth with the task that is presented before me, and come out in a victorious manner, no matter what detriment it may put towards me. No matter what climate it puts me in, or any danger it puts me in. I can do this"acquaintance
How many people can honestly say they would run into a burning building, for anyone whether it be family, friend, acquaintance, neighbor, stranger or most of all, enemy? Bobby ran into an inferno of which he himself had already escaped in order to save his mother. Above are the definitions of Courage and Hero. Below are my defintions of Courage and Hero.

Courage - Bobby Ferrel

Hero - Bobby Ferrel

But heroes may be forgotten, and legends go on and remain in the hearts and minds of everyone who was in some way touched by that person. In my eyes Bobby, you are not only a hero, but a legend. 2/27/08 R.I.P.

Kathy are a true hero in every sense of the word. God put you and your Mom on this earth for a good reason...His plan was obtained and now God has two beautiful new angels in heaven to help Him do His work. May your family find comfort through God...May your love shine upon us all.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Early Spring cleaning has come upon our home. I'm driving everyone nuts with cleaning and sorting and organizing. After all, can't have our soldier home for leave and have the house be dirty...NO WAY!!! Changing curtains, washing windows...all the dirt he's had to deal with for the past year...he won't find any here when he visits. He wants no parties or recognition for the things he's sacrificed...just wants to spend time with family. FINE BY ME!!!
Everyone can't wait to see him...he's the hero of our family, that's for sure! I just wonder how I'll muster up the strength to say goodbye again...knowing he's going back to the war. God will get us all through it until this war is over and brings all of our troops home.
My friends and family are, I know they're tired of hearing me go on and on about Joe and all he's been up to. I haven't forgotten about's just that my priorities are elsewhere right now. Sorry...but when your kid is thrown into a world full of haters and sacrifices his life for others, you'd think of nothing else as well.
I pray everyday that his mind is still in tact. He's always been a good boy with a huge heart and I hope all is well for him.
Can't leave without saying how proud I am of my daughter...she made the dean's list again. Way to go Samantha!! We love you too. Yes, I know I have other children. Hopefully soon, the old "Me" will return. Lets just all keep praying right now for our military men and women.
Keep your bible close and read scripture everyday.
“And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” -Isaiah 30:21