Thursday, March 27, 2008



Picture taken the last day he was here...about 15 of us went to a lte breakfast before going to th airport.

Our hero has been here for his visit and now should be somewheere between here and Hell, as he so lovingly calls it. There were about 14 of us going to airport so we rented a limo bus. It got to the meeting place a half an hour late so he was hauling butt the whole way. It was alot of fun..except for my sister who hates not being the driver and hated even worse that he was flying down te freeway during rush hour. I think she was the only one who noticed the rough (but fun) ride...we were too busy laughing at her.

Joe didn't want a party while he was home and now we all know why. Apparently, only 6 months after he deployed to Iraq, his wife decided she didn't want to be married anymore. WHAT A WAY TO FIND OUT---over the phone or in a letter---IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR! Needless to say, he is heartbroken. We are a vey close-knit family, and we are all in mourning for him. Because that's how it feels, as though someone we love has died. Joe won't be the same without her in his life. He does not deserve this.

It was extremely hard knowing how he was feeling while he was here...I was afraid to hover, but wanted to...gave him his space...but didn't want to...wanted to hold him and love him the entire time...but knew he wasn't in the mood. He spent every waking moment researching councelors on the internet, to see when they return to Washington...but she didn't want to go...she doesn't want to try to work it out. Hopefully, he will still seek professional help. I want mt baby back. I want him to feel better. We'll just continue to pray, now just for another reason added to our list.

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