Saturday, July 28, 2007

I don't think I'm mean..

Liberal Army Wife & Sarge Charlie...I appreciate your comments. Just let me verify...I am not mean to my family. They are just not use to me expressing my negative feelings. I have always been the type of person that let EVERYTHING roll off my shoulders and I kept my opinions to myself. I've always been a PEACE-KEEPER...maybe even an enabler. Somehow, that's all changed and I THINK it has to do with my son being deployed...because I see the world differently now. If I see a problem...instead of fixing it myself and bottling up inside, the frustrations I feel because someone else doesn't recognize the problem. For instance...I take care of two 2 year olds all day---grandson and foster child---I work my butt off all day to meet their needs along with washing EVEYONE'S LAUNDRY (kids, hubby, 15 year old son & 23 old daughter--oh...mine too), cooking dinner, doing the dishes...all the house cleaning---if someone makes a mess, or doesn't know if leftovers are worth saving...don't complain about the mess...clean it yourself and make the decision to keep or throw away the food. Does it take a rocket scientist to figure out that my so called meaness is because everyone here can't see what needs to be done. So, instead of me not not saying anything---like I use to---I tell people, "hey! can't you pick that up?" or..."can't you make the decision about throwing out leftovers yourself?" My job is's with me constantly. It's always been that way and it will always be that way. I DO EVERYTHING for my family...because I love them...unconditionally without fail. I don't want RECOGNITION I just don't want to sit back and take all the crap anymore. I want to say how I feel without someone getting mad at me. Face it, I've changed...with my son in a war perspective on life has changed for the better. I look at what our soldiers are going through...all they have to see and hear and endure...and it makes life here a piece of cake. Everytime someone complains about the heat, Isay. "imagine the temp being 115 and your wearing full army gear. Then you can cry about the heat to me." WE ALL have the convenience of making our own decisions, our soldiers don't. They work for hours...days on end with little or no sleep...FOR US! The least we can do for our soldiers is to start seeing the world through their eyes and maybe then, we'll appreciate what we have. That's all I'm trying to get across to my family.

1 comment:

liberal army wife said...

your family understands that... it's the rest of the country that doesn't!